CSA Program

We will accept CSA renewals for 2025 starting the 1st of January until the 15th. On January 16 we will begin taking new registrations as well, until the program is filled. Please be sure to sign up for our email listing or follow us on Instagram and Facebook to receive reminders. 

Click here for more information for our CSA Program.

Payment is required when registering. We accept cash, check, VENMO or credit card. If paying by check, please send payment to 500 Country Club Road, South Glastonbury, CT 06073. If paying by VENMO, we are SandraDondero@DonderoOrchards. If paying by credit card, we’ll give you a call to collect your credit card information over the phone. 

Please email us that you would like to join our program. Include your name and the name and email of anyone you will be sharing the weekly pickup with. Also, let us know your form of payment. (ie: mailing in a check or will call with credit card info.)

You will receive an e-mail confirming your acceptance for the season.

The fee for 2025 is $550 for 18 weeks. Weekly pick ups are on Fridays from June 20 to October 17, 2024.